Summit Description

The Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), Disability Policy Consortium (DPC), and Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) are hosting a Leadership Summit on the future of disability advocacy on September 23-25, 2024 in Marlborough, MA.

The summit will include the new generation of disability advocacy leaders, and emerging leaders in advocacy in social justice for services, programs, and the human and civil rights of people with disabilities in Massachusetts. Approximately 20 new and emerging leaders will be brought together with some existing leaders to discuss where disability advocacy needs to go in the coming decade and what we can learn from the past that got us to where we are today.

Many thanks to Sue Rorke for providing the photos of Paul used on this website.

What support do leaders need?

The two-day summit is designed to learn and understand from younger leaders what they need to continue growing and successfully address issues and how our collective communities can support their work in the years to come. As older leaders age out of the movement or pass on, the disability community can't afford a gap in planning, knowledge, and creating a blueprint for change. Now is the time to prepare for the future!

What issues must be tackled?

First and foremost, protection of advances made in civil and disability rights over the past three or four decades must be preserved and strengthened. Summit sponsors, in conjunction with a planning team, will identify additional critical priorities in the short and long term that will be incorporated into the program. The processes for effective leadership will be examined. Issues related to poverty, housing, food insecurity, health care, employment, transportation, and discrimination including racism, and stigma will be carefully discussed. Envisioning tangible measures of progress over time will be a key part of the summit program.

What must be done to build our advocacy?

As new leaders evolve, social justice and intersectionality have become a thriving platform for growth and shared power. We will discuss what intentional intersectional strategies make sense to advance disability rights and civil rights. Aligning with other marginalized groups and ensuring that the disability agenda is on their agenda, and vice versa, will be a prominent topic. Additionally, embracing and including BIPOC, LGBTQIA, and non-binary people, among others, in positions of power, must move from aspirational to a disability advocacy norm.