September 23-25

Paul W. Spooner Generational Leadership Summit 2024


Summit Description

The Massachusetts Developmental Disabilities Council (MDDC), Disability Policy Consortium (DPC), and Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) are hosting a Leadership Summit on the future of disability advocacy on September 23-25, 2024 at the Best Western Royal Plaza Hotel in Marlborough, MA.

The summit will include the new generation of disability advocacy leaders, and emerging leaders in advocacy in social justice for services, programs, and the human and civil rights of people with disabilities in Massachusetts. Approximately 20 new and emerging leaders will be brought together with some existing leaders to discuss where disability advocacy needs to go in the coming decade and what we can learn from the past that got us to where we are today.

Schedule subject to change.

Summit Schedule

Monday, September 23, 2024 | -ALUMNI ONLY ON MONDAY-

3:00-4:00 PM | Alumni Arrival/Check-in

4:00-5:00 PM | Welcome | Craig Hall, Opening Session for Alumni | Jennifer Bertrand & Harry Weissman

5:00-6:00 PM | Alumni Roles and Mentorship | Kaitlin Stober
In this session, we will discuss the roles that alumni will play as leaders, mentors, and role models for the new participants when they arrive the following day. We will learn the importance of mentorship and best practices.

6:00-7:00 PM | Dinner

7:00-8:30 PM | Building Leadership Teams | Harry Weissman & Nesther William
Expanding on our own strengths and diverse identities as leaders, we will explore different leadership types and styles, and how they can be compatible with one another. We will learn how to build teams of leaders that take advantage of everyone’s diverse strengths, abilities, and expertise.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

9:00-10:00AM | How to Cut an Issue | R Feynman & Samantha Fein
In this session, participants will learn how to move from big issues to specific advocacy projects. We will practice breaking down topics, identifying smaller steps, and making SMART goals.

10:00-10:30 AM | Morning Break for Alumni | New Emerging Leaders Arrive & Check In at Summit Registration Table

10:30-11:30 AM | Welcome/Opening Session with New Emerging Leaders | Craig Hall & Bill Henning

11:30-12:30 PM | What is a Leader? | Tamara Huntley, Cody Rooney & Andre Williams
Learn about leadership qualities and what it means to be a leader. Participants will identify their leadership strengths and weaknesses and reflect on what motivates them and what holds them back.

12:30-1:30 PM | Lunch

1:30-3:00 PM | Telling Our Own Stories in Advocacy | Gyasi Burks-Abbott & Nini Silver
Learn about the importance of storytelling in effective self-advocacy. Participants will have the opportunity to share their own encounters with disability discrimination while reflecting on how these personal experiences can lead to societal change.

3:00-3:15 PM | Group Photograph

3:15-3:45 PM | Afternoon Break

3:45-4:45 PM | Issue Topic Introductions & Selections | Jennifer Bertrand & Harry Weissman
Housing: Benji Kemper
Transportation: TBD
Rights & Advocacy: Nini Silver

Participants will hear from subject matter experts on three core issue areas and choose which issue area to work on for the remainder of the summit. We will then break up into issue groups to brainstorm how to take action on that topic, and begin to make a plan. The 2024 Issue Topics are:

  • Affordable/Accessible Housing: People with disabilities have a right to live in their communities. We need affordable and accessible housing so this can happen.
  • Transportation: Reliable and accessible transportation is important so people with disabilities can access their communities. Transportation can include cars, trains, planes, and more!
  • Rights & Advocacy: People with disabilities need to be able to advocate for our rights in order to improve our lives and live independently. Engaging the disability community in advocacy, and making advocacy accessible, is important for everyone’s voice to be heard.

4:45-6:00 PM | What is a Campaign? | Desi Forte & Harry Weissman
Learn the key elements of a campaign for social change. We will define concepts such as strategy, target, tactic, and momentum, and learn how they fit together to accomplish specific goals.

6:00-7:00PM | Dinner

7:00-9:00 PM | Knowing Our History: How to Build a Movement | Desi Forte & #TeachDisabilityHistory Team
Learn about a powerful initiative led by self-advocates to spread awareness about disability history. During this presentation, participants will view the film "The Great Fight for Disability Rights" and learn about the #TeachDisabilityHistory campaign and efforts to promote teaching disability history in schools. Participants’ knowledge of disability history will be tested in a fun interactive game.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

9:00-9:45 AM | Building Connections | Kaitlin Stober
The day will begin with an energizing teambuilding activity to further build connections and galvanize the group.

9:45-11:00 AM | Issue Group Work Session
Issues groups each meet individually and continue to break down the issues to create a concrete, winnable, short-term plan of action.

11:00-11:30 AM | Morning Break (check out from hotel)

11:30-12:30 AM | Voting Rights | Nini Silver & Brianna Zimmerman
Learn about the importance of voting, knowing your rights, engaging with candidates, and the barriers people with disabilities still face today. Participants will also learn about and begin creating a plan to vote. Voter registration and assistance will also be available during the session.

12:30-1:30 PM | Lunch/Working Lunch

1:30-2:30 PM | Next Steps | Jennifer Bertrand & Harry Weissman
Issue Group Presentations
Each issue group will present their plan for after the summit, and how other people can get involved. We will also discuss next steps for all participants and alumni to continue building leadership and connections.

2:30-2:45 PM | Afternoon Break

2:45-4:30 PM | Closing Session: Wrap-up & Certificate Ceremony

Photo: Sue Rorke